Wednesday, November 11, 2009

What Time Are We Living In?

We are surely living in an unusual time. I am not talking about the recession. I am talking about something far more significant. We live in a time of unprecedented immorality. Now, for example premarital sex is norm. One who wants to keep pure before marriage feel they must defend their choice philosophically! Otherwise, they would be viewed as strange. Young teenagers regularly send their nude pictures through their cell phone and hook up with strangers for sex via internet. In order to join the European Union, a country must accept same-sex marriage. This is the time we live in. A time of unprecedented flood of immorality.

At the same time, we live in a time of unusual manifestation of God's glory. I grew up seeing supernatural healings, but we are seeing continual increase of more and more extraordinary miracles. Extraordinary healings take place. People receive gold fillings in their teeth; I saw one man in person who received a gold filling in his mouth in early 2000s and had no reason to believe otherwise. Some are covered in gold dust during worship service, or even receive gems. Just two weekends of ago, about 8 people from JOY went to a conference in Baltimore and saw people get healed not only of cancer and other incurable diseases, but people who had metal pieces in their body, like screws, received healing, and then the metal pieces disappeared! In Mozambique under Heidi and Rolland Baker, foods multiply with great frequency, feeding hundreds of people. Hundreds of people have been raised from the dead. These are miracles, greater than those of Jesus (John 14:12).

So, we live in the days of extremes: extreme sins and extreme manifestations of God, unlike any other time in global history. What does it mean? One thing is sure: the return of Jesus Christ is closer today than it was at any other time. Jesus told people what time it would be like when He returns: "Just as it was in the days of Noah, so also will it be in the days of the Son of Man. People were eating, drinking, marrying and being given in marriage up to the day Noah entered the ark. Then the flood came and destroyed them all. It was the same in the days of Lot. People were eating and drinking, buying and selling, planting and building. But the day Lot left Sodom, fire and sulfur rained down from heaven and destroyed them all. It will be just like this on the day the Son of Man is revealed." (Luke 17:26-30). What time are we living in? We are living in a time when we need to be awake spiritually, and not get caught up with the earthly affairs as though they are the most important.

Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Trickle into a Stream into a Mighty River

Once Mahatma Gandhi said, "There go my people. I must go ahead of them, for I am their leader." At some point in his leadership, he felt that his people not only understood where he was pointing them to, but they were running ahead of him.

I feel the same way these days. I see a number of people running ahead of me. I see people who run more zealously after God and love others more sacrificially than I. They are changing lives through their ministries, and getting God's vision in their work, fasting and praying that God will reign in their field. Many are gathering in small prayer groups, ministering to one another, praying for the City. It is a great feeling, at the time sobering. I'd better stay vigilant! I must try to stay ahead of them, for I am their leader.

At the same time, I see others still sitting back, not living with purpose and excitement. They still have not caught the great vision God has for them. They still live for the tiny and temporal dreams than the great and glorious dreams for which God created them.... But God will move them also. The trickle has turned into a stream, and it will become a mighty river that takes up people and changes our nation and the world. I am full of hope.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

JAMAprofessional recruiting workers

JAMA New Awakening Conference originally started with college students and professionals as its core constituents. Although the first conference in 1996 in Colorado focused on this group, over the years the conference became more and more youth and family centered. As result, college and professionals have lost interested in the NA conference; they do not feel attracted to primarily youth events. While the change is understandable--JAMA felt that we must reach the people younger, and college age was already too late--the loss was real.

Thus, I proposed the idea of having separate, small conferences during the interim years: JAMAcollege, and JAMAprofessional. As the names stand, one will focus on college students and another post-college professionals.

During the summer of 2010, we plan to launch the first national JAMAprofessional conference hopefully in NYC (if not affordable, in NJ), and I am looking for core organizers. The conference will have three core messages: 1. Ownership (Dr. John C. Kim's message) 2. Prayer: repentance and intercession for the nation, 3. Leadership: that Christians must go into leadership in various arenas of life--government/law, entertainment, education, finance, etc.

Besides receiving message from key speakers, the conference will build relationships among Christian professionals. The participants will be able to connect with other Christians by their fields. We intend to group them in several key areas and develop network and relationships which we encourage them to develop throughout the year until the following year's conference.

I AM LOOKING FOR LAY ORGANIZERS. The conference must be by the professionals, for the professionals and of the professionals. I will provide guidance, but the conference must be organized by lay professionals. I am looking for key organizers from several churches from NY/NJ area: event planners, logistics people, graphic designers, etc. If you can help, please contact me at

Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Dow Passes 10,000

That was the news from last week. Murmur of economic recovery is everywhere. Everyday more hopeful news come out. Is the trouble over?

Not according to Jesus Christ. According to the Bible, the trouble we are in now is because of our sin: sin of corporate corruption, sin of violence, sin of sexual immorality, sins that fill and overflow in our land. The trouble we are in is God's judgment upon our nation for turning away from God.

And even with the recession, followed by 9/11, our nation has NOT repented. We have tried to cope with the problems, minimize its effective by propping up businesses, but WE HAVE NOT REPENTED. Sins still fill our nation. Immoralities have not decreased. We have not repented. Then, our trouble is not over.

God said through Prophet Amos (chapter 4) that He sent disasters after disasters to Israel to bring Israel to repentance, but "still you would not return to me." Therefore, at the end the nation would be destroyed and no more. Even after disaster after disaster, our nation also has not repented from our wicked ways and turned to the Lord. Thus, disasters will continue.

More troublesome is the relaxed attitude of Christians. Even Christians do not realize that the trouble is from the hands of the Lord. We have eased ourselves into the diminished life, (Human beings can adjust so easily!) instead of waking up spiritually to pray for our nation. We pray no more.

It is time to awake and pray for our nation. We must pray that our people would repent from our sins, turn from our wicked ways and to God in humility. We must pray for repentance movement to sweep through our nations, that people would voluntarily kneel on the streets of NY and repent before God to forgive our sins and heal our land.

This is a call for Christians to wake ourselves up from our spiritual slumbers and pray for our nation. We must intercede for our nation. Every Christian must pray, pray everyday, fast and pray, and pray for our nation that it would recover and be reestablished in the Lord. (Check

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

For years I have tried to have the JOY family to get into the Scriptures. While many have take extraordinary steps to consume the word of God (for example, Jacob Chung's group finishing the Bible in a year), I suspect that the vast majority are not even reading the Bible regularly.

During summer, I would like to provide you with some devotional help.

I. Each day you will receive a simple devotional guide. We will start easy: just one chapter of the Bible during July. Then, 2 chapters during Aug. By the end of Aug, you will finish all the letters of St. Paul! At the end, if you do not want it, you will not do it. But with a little help and encouragement, maybe you will get into the habit of this basic necessity of our spiritual life.

The following is the guideline. It has three steps:
1. 1-2 songs of worship (you can use your own worship music, or youtube. Plenty of great music.) You can use the ABC's of adoring God.
2. Bible reading: You will receive a few questions to reflect and pray about.
3. Prayer using the Lord's Prayer
a. "Our Father Who Art in Heaven" -- Acknowledge that God is your Father. You are His child. He loves you
b. "Hallowed be Thy Name" -- Worship God, acknowledge His characteristics: his power, love, etc.
c. "Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done on earth as it is in heaven." -- Pray for God's Kingdom before your own needs, for example, for your friends who need God, for church, ministry, the poor, missions, etc.
d. "Give us today our daily bread." -- Pray for your needs: your job, finance, emotional needs, etc. Anything that weighs on your heart.
e. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us." -- Ask for forgiveness, and forgive those who sinned against you.
f. "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." -- Pray for spiritual protection.
g. "For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glorfy forever." -- End with worship.

I encourage you to pray through the Lord's prayer everyday. It is the best prayer guide.

II. Besides personal devotion, I ask you to find "marvelous comrades." You may use your LTG partners, or get back to them if you have not met for a while. If you never had an accountability partner, search them out today. Find at least one or two others. Get together with them weekly and share what God is speaking to you and to pray for one another. During summer, without TLC, I encourage you to begin this. I hope you will continue even after summer.

So, let's begin today:
1. Songs: listen to some songs by Matt Redman on youtube, or any other music. Worship God as you listen.

2. Read Romans 1
Questions 1) Paul identifies himself as a servant of Christ. What is your self-identity?
2) Paul thanks God in v. 8 for Romans. What can you thank God for?
3) Paul writes the process of how a person's heart gets corrupted (vv. 18-32). How do you see that around you? Are you in danger of becoming corrupt?
4) Pray for things that God impressed upon your heart, whether thanksgiving, conviction, things to obey, repent, etc.

3. Pray (using the Lord's Prayer)

Summer Spiritual Helps

For years I have tried to have the JOY family to get into the Scriptures. While many have take extraordinary steps to consume the word of God (for example, Jacob Chung's group finishing the Bible in a year), I suspect that the vast majority are not even reading the Bible regularly.

During summer, I would like to provide you with some devotional help.

I. Each day you will receive a simple devotional guide. We will start easy: just one chapter of the Bible during July. Then, 2 chapters during Aug. By the end of Aug, you will finish all the letters of St. Paul! At the end, if you do not want it, you will not do it. But with a little help and encouragement, maybe you will get into the habit of this basic necessity of our spiritual life.

The following is the guideline. It has three steps:

1. 1-2 songs of worship (you can use your own worship music, or youtube. Plenty of great music.) You can use the ABC's of adoring God.

2. Bible reading: You will receive a few questions to reflect and pray about.

3. Prayer using the Lord's Prayer

a. "Our Father Who Art in Heaven" -- Acknowledge that God is your Father. You are His child. He loves you

b. "Hallowed be Thy Name" -- Worship God, acknowledge His characteristics: his power, love, etc.

c. "Thy Kingdom Come. Thy Will Be Done on earth as it is in heaven." -- Pray for God's Kingdom before your own needs, for example, for your friends who need God, for church, ministry, the poor, missions, etc.

d. "Give us today our daily bread." -- Pray for your needs: your job, finance, emotional needs, etc. Anything that weighs on your heart.

e. "Forgive us our sins as we forgive those who have sinned against us." -- Ask for forgiveness, and forgive those who sinned against you.

f. "Lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil." -- Pray for spiritual protection.

g. "For Thine is the kingdom, the power and the glorfy forever." -- End with worship.

I encourage you to pray through the Lord's prayer everyday. It is the best prayer guide.

II. Besides personal devotion, I ask you to find "marvelous comrades." You may use your LTG partners, or get back to them if you have not met for a while. If you never had an accountability partner, search them out today. Find at least one or two others. Get together with them weekly and share what God is speaking to you and to pray for one another. During summer, without TLC, I encourage you to begin this. I hope you will continue even after summer.

So, let's begin today:

1. Songs: listen to some songs by Matt Redman on youtube, or any other music. Worship God as you listen.

2. Read Romans 1


1) Paul identifies himself as a servant of Christ. What is your self-identity?

2) Paul thanks God in v. 8 for Romans. What can you thank God for?

3) Paul writes the process of how a person's heart gets corrupted (vv. 18-32). How do you see that around you? Are you in danger of becoming corrupt?

4) Pray for things that God impressed upon your heart, whether thanksgiving, conviction, things to obey, repent, etc.

3. Pray (using the Lord's Prayer)

Wednesday, May 6, 2009

5/7 National Day of Prayer

I have been encouraged by our people. The response to the 40 days of Repair Your Altar has been enthusiastic. Several have come up to me immediately after the launch and said something like, "I have been wanting to restore my spiritual life, but did not know what to do. I am so excited about the 40 days because we can do it together." Those responses tell me that our people have spiritual hunger. They will not let their spiritual lives slide passively. Since the launch on Sun, I have attended both the morning prayer (I come at 7am when some have already left) and evening Marveling Place. There also, I have been encouraged. The attendance has increased significantly. People are truly seeking God.

If you have not join the campaign, I urge you to join today. 1) Fast: some time-eating, non-life-giving activities like watching TV, or surfing the net and a meal a week for devotion; 2) Feast: devotion (Scriptures reading; we will provide more materials); 3) Focus to hear God. Ask God to speak to you during the 40 days. I encourage you to do it together with another person(s). It's always easier together than alone. If you have co-workers who are Christians, ask them to do it with you. If not, find someone from your TLC. If you are homemaker-mom, take this time to form a spiritual comaraderie with other moms. Reject spiritual passivity. You are called to make an eternal difference.

Coincidentally, tomorrow is the National Day of Prayer. What wonderful opportunity to pray for our nation! I encourage you to boldly ask your co-workers to pray for your company and for the country. Make it be known that you are a Christian, and you are praying for your company and the nation.